Cet exemplaire visible en Bretagne française a fait l’objet d’une maintenance méticuleuse et d’hivernages 2021 et 22 sous hangar chauffé. La remorque Harbeck et son chariot de mise à l’eau sont inclus dans la vente. L’équipement est pléthorique, toutes les bonnes options sont cochées, il y a TOUT! Winche électrique de manoeuvre, tente de cockpit, chauffage, électronique haut de gamme, jeu de voiles complet (Gv membrane, génois membrane, spi, code 0… tout Elvström Danemark),
la remorque Harbeck est prévue pour ce type de transport. Vendu au printemps 2023, le bateau a très peu navigué, le propriétaire actuel avoue une érreur de programme et souhaite repasser sur catamaran habitable pour raison familiale. Le bateau a fait l’objet d’une avarie mineure au mouillage qui a déclenché un envahissement partiel de la coque centrale mais tout a été réparé, certains matériels changés. Expertise avant et après les travaux; toutes factures disponibles
Prix :
Hull No: 214
Hull ID-No: DKQBO28214E020
Wood interior trim in elm, varnished
Elm wood floor with black stripes on main cabin- and toilet floor, varnished
2-burner gas stove flush-mounted with covers incl. 3 kg bottle and leak tester
60 l fridge box (12V) with compressor
Eberspächer D2 Marine heater with outlet in main- and forward cabin
Tanoy vent in toilet
2 x indirect LED lights at galley port and SB under shelf on cabin side
Curtain in main cabin
2 x Portlights in freeboard forward V-berth
Portlight in freeboard aft cabin, SB
Double sliding door into forward cabin
Roller blind with sun barrier for escape hatch
Roller blind with mosquito net for skylight in forward cabin
2 x Roller blind for portlights in forward cabin
In addition Electrical toilet640 euro, clock / baro/therm 300 euro,
Total upgrade in below deck 940 euro
Cockpit table, Lagun system
2 x LED cockpit floor lights, concealed
Sprayhood and cockpit tent with covers
Seats by aft push pit
Backrest foam/upholstery on push pit
2 x Rope pockets in cockpit
Shower aft in cockpit (cold)
Hot Water System 300 euro deck shower and main cabin fawcett , two flag lines 110 euro, 4custom foam mattresses for cockpit 840 euro, cockpit / mail cabinblue night lights for navigation 400 euro ?
Total upgrade in cockpit and deck 1,650 euro
2 x Andersen ST40 winches YES plus electric winch !
Barberhaul system for genoa and asymmetric spinnaker, with 6 blocks and sheets YES
Spinnaker sheets with snap shackle, 4 blocks and 2 cleats YES
Code-0 sheet system with 2 blocks, fastening points and Dyneema sheet
Code-0 YES
Black painted mast, mainsail boom, spreaders, bowsprit and batten car track YES
In addition Vincero has the electric winch4,860 euro and upgrade to Self Tailing winches 790 euro snuffer sock 520 euro protection for foresail 580 euro mainsail cover 615 euro
Total upgrade in Sail Handling 7,365 euro
Shore power 230V incl. 25 m cable with automatic Victron charger 15 Amp/h and F1 fuse system
Extra 70 Amp battery
Battery monitor
2 x Extra 230V plugs
2 x Extra 12V USB plugs
1 x round 12V plug
Solar panel with charge control (1 x 50W) on center hull deck
2 x Mobri S2 cylinder radar reflector
Tri-colour mast head light and anchor/motor light in LED-Lopo Light
Deck light
VHF-antenna in mast head
In addition Vincero has ALL upgraded electronics equipment B&G not available on the factory specified Dragonfly !!!
B&G Zeus 9″ Chartplotter 2 sets 3200 euro
B&G Triton Zeus 920 euro
B&G V60B VHF Radio with mic 1000 euro
B&G H60 Handset Radio 250 euro
B&G Halo 20 Radar 2200 euro
Simrad Compass and Autopilot 1500 euro
EPIRB 815 euro
Fusion main unit plus amplifier euro plus speakers 1,000 euro
Raymarine installed on the 214 boat is 7,600 euro
Total upgrade in electronics12,385 euro – 7,600 euro = 4,785 euro
4 x fenders with 2 m line and covers
Original Delta anchor, 10 kg, galvanized with Quick Link shackle
Special fiberglass anchor bracket inside float, for Delta anchor
Anchor warp with lead, 12 mm x 40 m and Wichard HR-hook
Bridle for anchoring, ready with hooks for quick set-up
Folding cleat in stainless steel, one on each float deck
Rub rail on both float sides in black
Lifting strap system incl. stainless shackles
2 x mast supports on boat for transport, one in cockpit with roller and one on pulpit
Mast raising kit with deck fitting, 3 support poles, 2 blocks and line and mast pivot fitting
Harbeck trailer, steel, max. load 3,500 kg (900/2,600 kg) incl. spanners
In addition Vincero has PVC storage tube 615 euro plus spare wheel and bracket 225 euro
Total upgrade in trailer and mast setting 840 euro
From the Dragonfly Option Lists you can see that Vincero has 15,580 euro installed in additional equipment.
In addition, Vincero has a brand new Lalizas 6 person ISO RAFT racing ( soft bag , light) with a grab bag worth 1,500 euro and a Life Saver Automatic Inflatable 150 euro
Main positions:
1. Eberspracher D2 Marine heating system main and forward cabin 3,010 euro
2. Andersen Electric Winch 4,860 euro
3. Upgrade to both self tailing winches 790 euro
4. One extra battery 370 euro extra plugs 265 euro
5. Additional solar panels on floats 2,300 euro
6. Mobi radar reflectors and tri color light plus deck light 1,320 euro
7. Copper coat 3,100 euro
8. Folding Cleats and rub rail 2,240 euro
9. Harrbeck Trailer , spare wheel, PC tube, and lift straps , supports etc. 10,305 euro
10. Packing delivery mast supports mast kit 2,200 euro
11. B&G additional plotter radar radio and hand held radio , Navionics maps 5,840 euro
12. Simrad auto pilot, Simrad electronic compass, EPIRB, Fusion Amp , Lithium Battery, Hot Water system, B&G HALO 20 Radar 6,415 euro
in TOTAL Vincero has over 43,000 euro in additional optional equipment .